December 26, 2013

you can now also find me on tumblr at Girl Afraid.

i'm going to be transitioning photo sharing and inspiration to my tumblr, while maintaining this site for my personal writing.

i'd love if if you tuned in to both!


December 22, 2013

December 20, 2013

I'm smart but not enough--just smart enough to have problems.

Ned Vizzini.
(undo it)
(Alessandro Lupi, Identity, 2013)

December 18, 2013

The grey morning light and the snow on the trees and the peripheral sense of disarray and breakup recalled the end of an academic fall term, the last day of exams before the Christmas break.

Jonathan Franzen.

December 16, 2013

December 14, 2013

and some Saturdays, you wake up and it's snowing in Brooklyn.

and that alone is enough.

December 10, 2013

December 8, 2013

December 5, 2013

He said he'd rather die with his heart on his sleeve than end up another cynic.

Colum McCann, "Let The Great World Spin."

December 4, 2013

(Filippo Minelli)

December 3, 2013

She wishes she could turn and say: I like people who unbalance me. So much of her time spent like this: dreaming up things to say and never quite saying them.

Colum McCann, "Let the Great World Spin."